This course contains 6 core content areas and 42 objectives. Instruction is organized to maximize student participation in the learning experience, as suggested in the Washington State K-12 Mathematics Learning Standards. The overall framework for the course is as follows. When instruction for core competency goals are developed, the number for the objective within the goal will become a hyperlink.
M2.1. Core Content: Modeling situations and solving problems
M2.3. Core Content: Conjectures and proofs, part I
M2.2. Core Content: Quadratic functions, equations, and relationships
M2.3. Core Content: Conjectures and proofs, part II
M2.4 Core Content: Probability
M2.5. Additional Key Content
M2.6. Core Processes: Reasoning, problem solving, and communication
- M2.6.A Analyze a problem situation and represent it mathematically.
- M2.6.B Select and apply strategies to solve problems.
- M2.6.C Evaluate a solution for reasonableness, verify its accuracy, and interpret the solution in the context of the original problem.
- M2.6.D Generalize a solution strategy for a single problem to a class of related problems, and apply a strategy for a class of related problems to solve specific problems.
- M2.6.E Read and interpret diagrams, graphs, and text containing the symbols, language, and conventions of mathematics.
- M2.6.F Summarize mathematical ideas with precision and efficiency for a given audience and purpose.
- M2.6.G Synthesize information to draw conclusions and evaluate the arguments and conclusions of others.
- M2.6.H Use inductive reasoning to make conjectures, and use deductive reasoning to prove or disprove conjectures.
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